Vrh W le Coeur Pur

krytí: 16.12.2022

12.02.2023 narodilo se 7 štěňátek 

5 kluků a 2 holčičky


W litter le Coeur Pur

mating: December 16, 2022

February 12, 2023 were born 7 pups

5 males and 2 females

Matka / Dam:

Goldien le Coeur Pur                                                  


O: Addi Rakovecka niva (Spr1, BH)

M: CH Ciara le Coeur Pur (IPO3, HWT, Elite A)

Nar: / DOB:  25.03.2016

Barva / color: Černá s pálením / black and tan

třída chovnosti / breeding class: Confirme

Výstavy/shows:  excellent

HD: A, ED: 0/0, OCD clear, SA 0 negative, DF normal

Otec / Sire:

CIB MultiCH Cardinale Canis Mayrau

O: Irko du Murier de Sordeille, Ring 3, Echelon A, OB2, ELITE A, DYS A

M: CIB MultiCH Heroine des Gardiens aux Coeurs Tendres, IHT 2 TS, Fpr3, Spr3, ZVV2, Stpr3, IPO3, Club Champion of sport and work, recommande CZ, DYS A

Nar: / DOB: 15.05.2017

Barva / color: černá s pálením / black and tan

Třída chovnosti / breeding class: RECOMMANDE CZ

Výstavy/shows: CAC, CACIB, BOB, National winner, Club Champion of beauty, Slovakia Champion of beauty, Polish champion of beauty, Czech champion of beauty, CIB

Work: Fpr3, IGP3, Club champion of sport, Club champion of work, CMBF 2020 – 2nd place IGP2, Czech championship FO&FB 2021 – 1st place IGP3, CACT, Champion of the republic

HD: A, ED 0, OCD clear, SA neg., LTV 0, heart test clear, DM neg., DF normal, DOV neg.


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