Od raného věku jsou socializována s lidmi, psy a pokud je přiležitost, tak i s dětmi. Jakmile je to s ohledem na věk možné, pravidelně několikrát týdně jezdíme autem do města, kde probíhá socializace v městském ruchu, v parku se psy a lidmi a také se pravidelně prochází menším obchodním centrem, zkusí si jízdu výtahem. Jízdu autem tedy také znají velmi dobře. Štěňátka absolvují veškerou socializaci buď sama nebo v páru s druhým štěňátkem. S našimi dospěláky chodí na vycházku po blízkém okolí.
Od začátku trénujeme přivolání, v pozdějším věku další základní povely – sedni, lehni, zůstaň. Rozvíjíme motivaci na balonky, přetahování o kůži či jiné hračky.
O moje odchovy se starám:
poradíme s tréninkem, výstavami či bonitací a uchovněním. Pomůžeme s případným výběrem trenéra poslušnosti, figuranta, veterináře. V případech nenadálých životních změn pomůžeme řešit situaci k nejlepšímu prospěchu psa.
Základní podmínky prodeje: – chci zůstat v kontaktu po celý život pejska, dostávat info o jeho životě, čas od času nějaké fotky, info o výstavách, výsledcích ve sportu (pokud budou) – rentgen aspoň kyčlí a loktů (doporučuji při jednom udělat i ramena, páteř a přechodový obratel) do 3 let věku pejska, ideálně kolem 2 roku života, kdy je naprosto zaručen dokončený vývoj pohybového aparátu – tato informace slouží nejen pro moje chovatelské účely, kterými monitoruji vrhy a snažím se tak vyhnout případným zdravotním potížím v chovu, ale je to hlavně i informace pro majitele jakým způsobem mohou zatěžovat svého miláčka a v případě, že by se nedej Bože vyskytla dysplasie, či nějaký jiný problém, dá se vše zavčas řešit a pejskovi tak zabezpečit kvalitní život – v případě, že by se cokoli stalo a majitelé nebudou schopni se o pejska postarat, budu první, koho budou kontaktovat a buď si pejska vezmu zpět nebo pomohu najít nový domov———————————————————————————
From an early age they are socialized with humans, dogs, and if the opportunity with children. Once this is with Regard to Age May Regularly Several times a week we go by car to the city Where they are socialized in city, in the park with dogs and people and Also Regularly passes small business centers, try to ride the elevator. They know driving the car Also very well. Puppies receive all the socialization Either alone or in pairs, with the second puppy. Puppies are going for walks with our adults in neighborhood.
From The Beginning we train recall, later in life other basic commands – sit, down, stay. Develop the motivation with balloons, tug on the skin or other toys.
We care About our puppies:
we will help with training, shows and with breeding. We are able to help with any selection obedience trainer, helper and veterinarian. In cases of unexpected life changes we are able to help resolve the situation to the best benefit for the dog.
Basic conditions of sale:
– I want to stay in touch throughout the dog’s life, get info about his life, from time to time some photos, info about shows, results in sports (if any)
– x-ray of at least hips and elbows (I recommend to do shoulders, spine and transitional vertebrae as well) till 3 years of age of the dog, ideally around 2 years of age, when the development of the musculoskeletal system is absolutely guaranteed – this information is not only for my breeding purposes, I monitor the litters and try to avoid any health problems in breeding, but it is also information for the owners how they can burden their pet and in case of dysplasia or some other problem, it can be solved in time and the dog can be assured a quality life.
– if anything happens and the owners are unable to take care of the dog, I will be the first person they contact and either take the dog back or help them find a new home
Naše štěňátka ve světě / our puppies in the world:
MY BEAUCERONSPuppy´s name | Living in | Puppy´s name | Living in |
Artur | Slovakia | Herodes | Germany |
Arcon | Slovakia | Honki Tonki | Germany |
Damaris | RUS/CZ | Honorer | Finland |
Elion | Finland | Houdini | Germany |
Elzar | England | Haya | Germany |
Erkan | Austria | H´Ellen | Finland |
Erryque | Germany | Hiver | USA |
Etien | Germany | Charles | Italy |
Eyron | USA | Chopin | USA |
Fango | Finland | Chammurapi | USA |
Fermin | Austria | Ignis | China |
Forkys | Germany | Itchy Ike | Slovenia |
Furcas | Austria | Jarvis | Slovakia |
Gimly | Germany | Jekyl & Hyde | USA |
Goofy | England | Ja´Ciara | USA |
Grinch | China | Joke | USA |
Gardeur | Switzerland | Jiminy | Holland |
Ghabika | England | Josie | Germany |
Helios | Switzerland | Kick-Ass | Slovakia |
Puppy´s name | Living in | Puppy´s name | Living in |
Krueger | Scotland | Quarell Tallulah | Hungary |
Koralie | Germany | Quinn Harley | Switzerland |
Krypton | Germany | Ra´s al Ghul | Canada |
Kreattur | Germany | Sarge | Germany |
Kowalski | USA | Shaldon Cooper | Sweden |
Leonidas | Slovakia | Saxana | Lithuania |
Lecter Hannibal | England | Seherezade | England |
Lestat | England | Serafina Pekalla | Germany |
Lagertha | USA | Shana the She-Devil | England |
Narcisse | Slovakia | Simpson Marge | Romania |
Nefertiti | Germany | Snow White | England |
Nimbus 2020 | Estonia | Thanos | Canada |
Popeye the Sailor | Germany | Uilleam | Germany |
Princess Smurfette | Austria | Uncle Scrooge | Germany |
Quack O.K. | England | Ulrika Magdovna | England |
Quackerbill Archibald | Germany | Unuscione Carmella | England |
Quasimodo | England | Velociraptor | Italy |
Quackenbush Mrs. | England | V.I.P. | Germany |
Quackfaster Emily | Croatia | Vixey Mona | Belgium |
Puppy´s name |
Living in |
Puppy´s name |
Wednesday Adams |
Austria |
………………….. |
Wikipedie |
Slovakia |
Xenophilius Lovegood |
Germany |
Xiaomi |
Austria |
Puppy´s name | Living in | Puppy´s name | Living in |
Artur | Slovakia | Herodes | Germany |
Arcon | Slovakia | Honki Tonki | Germany |
Damaris | RUS/CZ | Honorer | Finland |
Elion | Finland | Houdini | Germany |
Elzar | England | Haya | Germany |
Erkan | Austria | H´Ellen | Finland |
Erryque | Germany | Hiver | USA |
Etien | Germany | Charles | Italy |
Eyron | USA | Chopin | USA |
Fango | Finland | Chammurapi | USA |
Fermin | Austria | Ignis | China |
Forkys | Germany | Itchy Ike | Slovenia |
Furcas | Austria | Jarvis | Slovakia |
Gimly | Germany | Jekyl & Hyde | USA |
Goofy | England | Ja´Ciara | USA |
Grinch | China | Joke | USA |
Gardeur | Switzerland | Jiminy | Holland |
Ghabika | England | Josie | Germany |
Helios | Switzerland | Kick-Ass | Slovakia |
Puppy´s name | Living in | Puppy´s name | Living in |
Krueger | Scotland | Quarell Tallulah | Hungary |
Koralie | Germany | Quinn Harley | Switzerland |
Krypton | Germany | Ra´s al Ghul | Canada |
Kreattur | Germany | Sarge | Germany |
Kowalski | USA | Shaldon Cooper | Sweden |
Leonidas | Slovakia | Saxana | Lithuania |
Lecter Hannibal | England | Seherezade | England |
Lestat | England | Serafina Pekalla | Germany |
Lagertha | USA | Shana the She-Devil | England |
Narcisse | Slovakia | Simpson Marge | Romania |
Nefertiti | Germany | Snow White | England |
Nimbus 2020 | Estonia | Thanos | Canada |
Popeye the Sailor | Germany | Uilleam | Germany |
Princess Smurfette | Austria | Uncle Scrooge | Germany |
Quack O.K. | England | Ulrika Magdovna | England |
Quackerbill Archibald | Germany | Unuscione Carmella | England |
Quasimodo | England | Velociraptor | Italy |
Quackenbush Mrs. | England | V.I.P. | Germany |
Quackfaster Emily | Croatia | Vixey Mona | Belgium |
Puppy´s name |
Living in |
Puppy´s name |
Wednesday Adams |
Austria |
………………….. |
Wikipedie |
Slovakia |
Xenophilius Lovegood |
Germany |
Xiaomi |
Austria |
Puppy´s name | Living in | Puppy´s name | Living in |
Abraham Lincoln | Germany | Dolly Buster | Poland |
Alfred Nobel | Austria | Dostojevskij Michajlovič | Poland |
Alois Alzheimer | Slovenia | Diana Ross | Sweden |
Amelia Earhart | Slovenia | ||
Balthazar the King | Germany | ||
Bill Gates | Germany | ||
Báthory Erzsébet | Sweden | ||
Castro Fidel | Slovenia | ||
Copernicus Cayde | Romania | ||
Ceausescu Nicolae | Germany | ||
Calypso | Sweden | ||
Coco Chanel | Sweden | ||
Desirée Clary | Germany | ||
Dame de Beauté | Germany |